Monday, 14 January 2013

Pivot Review

these are my first three GIFS. I made them on a free program called pivot. Pivot is a stop motion stick figure animation program that is very simple to use. you click whatever limb it is that you want to move and move it a small amount, click next frame, move it again, click next frame. Just repeat that process until you are done your animation and then hit play. Pivot is great because you have more than just one figure to work with tere is about 12 more figures the list consists of
There is also a feature that let you crate your own figure.
For anyone who does want to download this fun time killer here is the link:

Friday, 2 November 2012

Year One Blog Post #2 Kejwaun Hawley milton

 1) Begin by describing the logo using terms you have learned from your lessons on the Elements and Principles of design.
         The reason's I picked this logo is because it used colour and size to its advantage. the colour of the word dodge and the colour of the ram contrasted very well with one another. The reason for that being that as I look at the logo I am not drawn to one area. It is very well balanced when it comes to size the words are just the right size, they do not over power the ram but they are still big enough to make there presence felt.

2) Now that you have described the logo, explain what you think the designer was trying to express with the choices s/he made.
i think the designer was trying to express power, strength but on the other hand i feel the designer was trying to keep it friendly and reliable.

3) Based on your analysis, who do you think is the target audience of the logo design?
i think the Target audience was people who do heavy lifting and haul massive amounts of whatever it may be.

1) Begin by describing the logo using terms you have learned from your lessons on the Elements and Principles of design.
the usage of line in the coca-cola logo is very well done. when i think of a beverage like pop i want to feel happiness and "safety" so to speak. the coca-cola logo makes me feel both of those things because the lines are curvy and the colour of the lettering is bright and bold.

2) Now that you have described the logo, explain what you think the designer was trying to express with the choices s/he made.
i think the designer was trying to express friendliness and quenching of thirst.

3) Based on your analysis, who do you think is the target audience of the logo design?

 i think the target audience was everyone. 

1) Begin by describing the logo using terms you have learned from your lessons on the Elements and Principles of design.

2) Now that you have described the logo, explain what you think the designer was trying to express with the choices s/he made.

3) Based on your analysis, who do you think is the target audience of the logo design?

Friday, 19 October 2012

photo critique #1 lock

                                                              Photo review

In light if the fact that we are doing a photography unit I figured I would critique a few photos. First up i have simply chosen a lock. the reason i chose this picture is because it is stubborn it is just a lock but yet it is like it is fighting to make you look at. the fact that the photographer was able to make a lock this interesting is pretty amazing and all it took was a little depth of field. well done to the photographer.

                                                                                         kejwaun kayin hawley milton

Thursday, 4 October 2012

week three blog assignment- kejwaun hawley milton

blog assignment #3

I unfortunately could not find the name of this painting anyways.

the reason i picked this painting for my week 3 blog assignment is because as i was scrolling  this painting caught my eye not just because of the way that the balloons contrast with the dark background but because of the beautiful sand textures, beautiful composition and somehow a very sad story behind the image. When i look at paintings or photographs i want them not only to show me elements of design but i want those elements  to make me feel something weither its sadness, happiness or anger. this painting pulled me in because of the way the shadows reflect off of the sand and the way balloons drown out some of the shadows which makes you want to keep looking.  

that is my verdict on this photo.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Incredibox this is such an amazing website anybody who follows my blog MUST check this out

Monday, 10 September 2012 that is so awesome if i hope i am able to do that one day